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Because we think primary human cells are the key to real clinical predictions, we propose premium services with fresh Human tissue and primary cell cultures.

To that end, we partner with an engaged network of French Key Opinion Leaders in neurosurgery as well as with patient associations. We have access to several pathological and healthy Human brain tissues allowing us to perform predictions as close as possible to real life.

Our core business is the study of pharmacokinetics (PK) in the Human brain but our field of action is extensive going from brain PK to toxicological and pharmacological testing. Molecules we study can have CNS targets as well as peripheral targets. We  also innovate and develop our portfolio to fit your demand.



BrainPlotting was created in 2013 by Dr Nicolas Perrière. He works several years on primary BBB models in the rat, but also on the  immortalized human BBB model, the hCMEC/D3®.