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StarQuest Capital is our first long-term partner: Founded in 2008, Starquest is an investment fund (ISF TEPA) acting in companies with high technological content’s equity, in the range 200 k€-1 500 K€. With 80M€ assets under management, the fund supports and follows up 95 entrepreneurs in the development of their companies. In just a couple of years, Starquest has become the second player on his market segment in France, with more than 30 deals completed per year. Starquest defines itself as “the entrepreneurs in equity” and its aim is to help entrepreneurs speed up their growth by bringing a high level of added value beyond financial support.

The BPI (Public Investment Bank), has supported our research early in our development. It is a French organization whose mission is to support companies. Created in December 2012, it brings together several entities: FSI (Strategic Investment Fund), FSI Régions, Oséo (an SME support company) and CDC Entreprises (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations). The BPI has three objectives: to support companies’ growth, to prepare their future competitiveness and to develop a favorable ecosystem to entrepreneurship.

The Brain & Spine Institute (ICM) is an international brain and spinal cord research center. The ICM brings patients, doctors and researchers together with the aim of rapidly developing treatments for nervous system disorders. With this innovative concept and structure the ICM is the only institute of its kind in the world. We partner here with several research teams of excellence.

L’APHP  is a teaching hospital with a european dismension globally recognized. Its 39 hospitals welcome every year more than 10 millions sick people. Several partnerships with neurosurgeons and patient associations of this center allow us to have access to healthy and pathological brain tissues.

Within its nine Training and Research Units and University Technology Institute, Paris Descartes University covers all areas of human and health sciences. As the only university to offer medical, pharmaceutical, and dental programs in the Paris region, its health sciences center is recognized both throughout Europe and the world for its high-quality education and research. We partner with some renowned research teams, allowing us to develop and validate our protfolio of services (more). 

Institut Cochin is a research center under the administrative supervision of INSERM, CNRS and Paris Descartes University. It unites approximately 650 peoples in 37 teams and ten technological platform. A partnership with several teams working on the blood-barin-barrier is in place in this intitute (more).  

Servier is a french pharmaceutical group. Created in 1954, it is based in 149 countries and its growth rely on a constant innovation research in five areas (cardiovascular, immuno-inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, cancers and diabetes ) and on a generic drug production. In collaboration, we validate some known drugs on our BBB models (more).  

Sanofi is a french transnational firm whose activities include pharmaceutic and vaccines. It is the first french company in R&D. They trust us for the study of their molecules through our BBB models.

Amabiotics is a biopharmaceutical company which develops drugs from human microbiome against age-related diseases. Their research is focus on Gut - Brain axis and they use our services to study the brain pharmacokinetics of their molecules in development.

Robert Debré Hospital is the biggest child hospital in France by its activity volume. Within it, the UMR 1141 unity is a neuroscience laboratory whose teams work on the mechanisms comprehension altering the brain development from the fœtus to the adolescent. In partnership with researcher, we follow their molecules through our BBB models.